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Welcome to Mid-America Xtreme

Founded in 1997, Mid-America Xtreme has organized dozens of adventure races in the past eighteen years. We are not only race directors, but also racers. Our passion for the sport runs deep, and our goal is not just to simply put on the highest quality events, but also to provide education, introduce the sport to a new audience, and promote the sport of adventure racing. Visionaries in eco-adventure travel, Mid-America Xtreme embraces those who see adventure racing as the ultimate challenge.

Pushing the limits of endurance, successful teams pull together to overcome and adapt to the challenges set before them. The event itself, a mere template for the extreme excitement and camaraderie found only in adventure racing. The course, undisclosed to competitors until the start of the race, is a journey into the unknown. Teams only know what disciplines they need to be proficient in, and what equipment they need to complete the course, the rest they discover along the way.

To be successful, teams must not only be physically fit, but also resourceful to overcome the challenges of travelling into the unknown. Teams come from all over to test themselves against nature, the environment, and to explore the limits of human endurance. It is in these races when competitors are forced to look within themselves to see what they are truly made of.

Adventure Racing with Mid-America Xtreme is an epic and spiritual journey, exposing competitors to the beauty and majesty of nature. The true nature of adventure racing is exposed in those moments where your spirit connects with the world around you; when you are humbled by both the fury and wonder of nature. Adventure Racing is the ultimate journey, ordinary people, coming together, to accomplish the extraordinary.

Getting Started

Interesting in Adventure Racing, but don't know there to start?

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Learn more about preparing for an Adventure Race.

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Tips & Tricks

A few tips and tricks to help you become a better racer.

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Upcoming Events

Mid-America Xtreme Adventure Racing has been delivering high quality races since 1999, and continues to bring you some of the best events in the midwest. Take a look at the great events we have in store for you, and explore our site for more information about our races.

Mid-America Xtreme Adventure Race

The race, has proven to be as epic as an expedition length race, More

TBA 202112 Hours

MAX Adventure Challenge

The race, designed for competitors of all experience levels, More

TBA 20214 Hours

Recent News


MAX Launches into 2016

Mid-America Xtreme is exicted to launch its new website and announce our 2016 events More

by admin

A Chat with Robert Nagle

A recap of MAX's online chat with adventure racing legend Robert Nagle More

by admin


Your Experience Others Inspiration

Mid-America was the first adventure race I took part in and became the foothold for many future races to come. I competed in many events, never to be disappointed. I would highly suggest any of their races whether just starting or a veteran of the sport. Even though they were designed to be competition I’ve always felt the teams attracted to their races were ones that would stop to help another team whether injured or struggling. To me, they were an inspiration to pursue the sport. Don’t forget they were simply put… fun.

Tim Radtke


Mid-America Xtreme Adventure Racing
1324 Shoal Ridge Rd
Oconomowoc, WI 53066
Copyright© 2025 Mid-America Xtreme. All rights reserved.